Learn By Creating a Sample Report

Experiment with creating reports using the Data Explorer via a sample report.

To create a sample report:

  1. On the Navigation Pane, click Explore My Data.
  2. On the Data Explorer screen, click Suggested Favorites to expand options.
  3. Click Recruiting.
  4. Click Requisition.
  5. Click Fields in "Requisition" to expand the list of available fields.
  6. Click Recruiter (User ).
    The Requisition: Recruiter table loads in the Your Data pane.
  7. Click E-mail Address.
    The Field Actions area displays the Column Title field and a link to add the field to the report.
  8. Click Add this field to my report.
  9. Return to the Your Data pane and click Suggested Favorites » Recruiting » Candidate.
  10. In the Fields list, clickJob Seeker Status.
  11. Click Name (Token).
    The Field Actions area displays the Column Title field and a link to add the field to the report.
  12. In the Column Title field, type Candidate Status to change the name.
  13. Click Add this field to my report.
  14. In the Search field, type "resume referral".
  15. Click Job Seeker Resume: Referral Source ID.
  16. Click Add this field to my report to add the field to your Cart, below the Report pane.
  17. In the Cart, click View Your Report.
  18. In the Report pane, click the Info tree and expand How We Built Your Report to examine the report structure determined by the Reporting Tool.


    Things to Learn From This Sample
    • The biggest takeaway is that Data Explorer can automatically help fill in missing information, without the need for you to spend time and energy planning.
    • Requisition was deemed the most popular "root" item, so the Reporting Tool placed it at the top and it became the From portion of the report query.
    • The Requisition object uses this chain to display the recruiter's email address.
    • Regardless of how the Reporting Tool builds the report, User will remain linked to Requisition via the chain we built earlier.
    • The column containing the candidate's status is in a chain that begins with Candidate.
    • The data dictionary correctly identified a common relation between Requisition and Candidate and completes that chain by appending the column's chain to Requisition, which means this column's full chain is now Requisition » Candidate » Job Seeker Status.
    • Our Referral Source column's chain begins with Job Seeker Resume.
    • The Reporting Tool identifies a relation between Resume and Candidate and appends this column's chain, giving this new column a chain of Requisition » Candidate » Job Seeker Resume » Referral Source ID.